- Publisher: Quillcraft Press
- Available in: Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Print
- Published: January 4, 2022
Do You Have All the Answers?
It’s okay if you don’t—no one does. Like the saying goes, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” Just because no one has “all” the answers, though, doesn’t mean that some folks might not have some of them… or maybe even one, especially if they’re already experienced authors.
The hardest thing about being a new author is that you don’t know what you don’t know. Why stumble around, trying to figure everything out, when you can learn from those who have gone before you?
In “Brief Lessons in Writing,” the authors from Chris Kennedy Publishing willingly share one brief lesson they think you might need on your journey to success. These lessons might seem small, yet the stories shared here are all candid, and, in some cases, even raw. Sharing such honest experiences—usually learned through failure—is never easy; sometimes it’s funny and at other times it’s quite painful.
The purpose of this book, edited by veteran authors William Alan Webb and Chris Kennedy, is therefore not to say ‘do this or do that,’ but to share brief lessons that have already been learned by the contributors during their writing journeys, in the hopes that you won’t repeat their mistakes—you’ll have to instead find new ones of your own!